Linde Gas Försäljningsställe Svenska Elektrod AB

Varuvägen 2-10
12530 Älvsjö

Opening times

30/4 Valborgsmässoafton Kl.07.00-13.00 | 8/5 Dag före Kristi himmelsfärds dag Kl.07.00-13.00 | 10/5 Klämdag Kl.07.00-13.00 | 5/6 Dag före nationaldagen Kl.07.00-13.00 |7/6 Klämdag Kl.07.00-13.00 | 20/6 Dag före midsommarafton Kl.07.00-13.00. |

Products at this location

  • Dry Ice
  • Equipment
  • Even-exchange cylinders
  • Industrial Gas
  • Liquid Nitrogen
  • Propane
  • Refrigerants

About Linde Linde Gas Försäljningsställe Svenska Elektrod AB

We offer a wide selection of high-quality industrial gases, including argon, acetylene, oxygen, propane, helium, also food grade gases, specialty gases and refrigerants. Our experienced experts provide you advice and technical support to ensure the right choice of gases and equipment for cutting, welding, or other applications.
Learn more

Gases and equipment

  • Industrial gases

    Discover Linde's industrial gases. Click here to experience the difference in every molecule.
  • Propane

    Ignite innovation with Linde's premium propane solutions. Unleash the power of progress.
  • Gas equipment

    Gear up for success with Linde's state-of-the-art industrial equipment. Explore our range and elevate your operations today.

It's easy to place and re-order with the Linde Shop mobil app

With Linde Shop app you can order gases anywhere, anywhere. Featuring the ability to stay logged in, re-order in just a few clicks, create order templates, and download invoices and delivery notes eaily and conveniently.

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